Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Friday 8 June 2012

All by myself


Daddy, who is not normally one to follow his own pursuits and is happy to be daddy and enjoy his family, took a day trip to Cardiff today with friends to watch the rugby. I was on my own for one more day. I know plenty of people are on their own every day and I know it was only one day but things are always easier with two, especially when it's daddy and I look forward to that slight ease. 

We went into town this morning, as if to make things more hard work for myself. Town on a Saturday is just not a good idea when you have the option of a week day but we did enjoy the market! Picking sausages and selecting strawberries and eating brownies! The main purpose of the trip was to buy Bean's friend a birthday present for his party tomorrow. Bean had very thoughfully gathered a few pennies from his jar to pay for the present. We looked at the pennies together and counted them and we talked about what we might be able to buy with 35p (trying to manage expectations.) We went into several toy shops and Bean didn't find anything he thought his friend would like until... he found some toy soldiers in a basket and unbeknown to him... they were 5p each. I couldn't have asked for things to work out better. So he selected 7 in different poses and the shop assisstent was amazing at helping him with the process of paying, helped him count his money and explained what the receipt said and what it was for, brilliant. The bag went in the buggy and off we went.

On the way home Bean asked to carry the bag with the soldiers in. When I was unpacking the shopping an hour or so after arriving home it occured to me that I hadn't seen the soldiers. I asked Bean where he had put them...blank. Oh dear. Bean has an amazing memory and I knew then that they were gone. We tried to recall our steps in our mind and took a return stroll to town after dinner but had no success in finding a stray yellow bag with toy soldiers in.

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