Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Friday 22 February 2013

school's out...forever

Tuesday 19th February 

Today we met with friends in the New Forest. finding natural tree sculptures, playing with twigs and branches, making shapes with our shadows and generally hanging out with some of the best people I know. The smalls only get to play with each other once a year (usually, this was a six month surprise catch up, yippee!) and got straight on with the business of playing. Mostly the grown ups walked and talked. The only thing missing was daddy, it felt a little incomplete without him. However the temperature reached double figures, which is the first time in months, and the sun was shining and it was dry. Completely beautiful day.

We walked along the cycle tracks and stopped to share lunch. The smalls all went snake hunting with daddyB and then we headed back. Pumpkin hitched a ride in the buggy and Plum was in the sling. Back at the car they played with the football and the frisbee whilst Plum had a breast feed and Pumpkin sat and 'drove' the car.

This was all followed by a trip to a nearby pub where we ate delicious dessert and drank tea whilst the smalls played in the play area. There was some assistance needed to cross the wobbly bridge and climb the ladder to get to the platform to go down the slide.

It wouldn't have mattered if it was freezing or wet or windy (in fact that would have been closer to our normal meeting environment) because being with friends is always the best bit. It just so happened that today the weather reflected the joy it was to be together, rather like the setting in a good novel.

Pumpkin playing shadows

playing on the dragon

Pumpkin found this crocodile swimming

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