Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Thursday 14 February 2013

Do you have to register?

Tuesday 12th February

Do you have to register to home educate? was the question de jour. Brief answer is, no. You do have to deregister though if your child is being removed from school in order for them to be home educated.  This normally, in turn, means that this information is passed on to the relevant faculty within the council and they will probably, in turn, contact you.

Do you have to be inspected? No. The faculty should only be there to offer support and help and home educators are under no obligation to meet with or submit any information, although some do choose to. It tends to be a personal family decision.

Do you have to use a curriculum? No. (Isn't home ed cool?) Some families choose to use some curricular for some things (maybe English and Maths) others use more, others use less. The answer really is, you can if you want to but the freedom that home education brings means you can choose. Anyone who's read more than one post on the blog will realise that we don't follow a curriculum and are autonomous in our approach to learning, which was really just a natural progression for us as the children have never been to any form of structured preschool or school.

So, today's adventures have included:

Bean drawing a brick wall (again) in a grid like pattern and me showing him how Pop's taught me to draw bricks and them him giving it a go.

The gas works starting outside our house, which will be in operation for a few weeks yet and a great source of joy for the smalls, even Plum.

Making potions with bicarb and vinegar and food colouring. Bean wasn't that impressed mainly because the vinegar smelt.

Some guitar playing, paper aeroplane throwing, lego model making, small world car play, and mummy and Bean making a brick house (notice the recurring theme?) complete with garden, car, fireplace, communal sleeping area, kitchen and comfy chair :)

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