Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Thursday 14 February 2013

A life less ordinary

Monday 11th February

Chores. Do your kids do chores? Mine do. They brush their own teeth and wash their own faces. The carry their empty dishes back to the kitchen. They pour their own drinks and hang up their own coats, amongst other things. Sounds quite angelic, doesn't it? 

In reality they don't do these things all the time, or every day. Sometimes I help them, sometimes I do it for them because they don't want to. Sometimes I shout at them because of the inconsistency of when they choose to and choose not to. 

We've never made them do chores. But we have asked them to help and sometimes they say yes and muck in and help, and other times they say no, and at other times they completely ignore us! Bean is beginning to recognise 'jobs' that he doesn't like doing but mostly they just join in with the jobs that we're doing and don't really notice that it's a 'chore' as such because we're just doing life together (ooo that sounds like a prison sentence!!! ha ha ha) 

Today I was washing up after dinner and Bean comes in from playing in the other room and says, 'mummy can I help you?' 'sure' so he pulls up a stool and I give him a cloth and we spend ten minutes washing the dishes together, except really it wasn't ten minutes washing the dishes it was, in fact, just ten minutes together. precious.

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