Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Saturday 26 January 2013

When you get a haircut

A second attempt taken today by Pumpkin to ride his pedal bike. He wanted daddy to take him out and this made sense as he could have a lot of 1:1 time. They didn't get far...out the front of the house! He reverted to his balance bike and off they went to he park around the corner and an epic walk.

I took Bean and Plum to the shop at the end of the road. The charity shop has a great haberdashery section so we went to buy cord for the hood I am making Plum's sling ( I have to go with a specific purpose otherwise i'd come home with everything they have!) We also got a few food items in the supermarket next door. Fortunately it was at this point that Bean remembered his gloves which he had left in the charity shop.

They have opened up a show home in the new section of houses on our road that we have been watching them buid for almost a year now. Bean was keen to go in and have a look so we're planning a trip there this week.

Biggest news from today is probably that Bean had a hair cut! He's been asking for a couple of weeks but wanted to sit on daddy's lap so we had to find the right time and this afternoon we had a free hour (is there any such thing?) and I cut daddy's and Bean's hair. He only wanted the fringe done but I spent some time researching how to make it look part of his hair style rather than a fringe with long hair behind as it's not quite long enough for that look yet. I was quite pleased with the result.

Evening out at a church social event. Pumpkin fell asleep in the car on the way (it's only five minutes across town!) and we lay him on a bean bag where he slept for over an hour. We had a great time with our church family although SGS gave me a forfeit in one of the games so we have decided not to be friends with him anymore (only joking, obviously) I really can't emphasis enough what a lovely place it is to be, a true example of how it takes a good community to raise families and children. We're so blessed to be part of such a loving family.

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