Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Monday 7 January 2013

Moving on up

Totally loving being back in the swing of things #dayone, hoping not to run out of steam too soon and trying to remember to pace myself and the smalls. I was asked today why I refer to them as 'the smalls' collectively. Simply I needed a collective noun specific to the children and I like the quote taken from dr. Seuss "a person's a person no matter how small." It encapsulates the idea that children are people too but at the same time are still children- that doesn't make much sense does it. Hopefully you can see where the 'small' part fits in.

Anyway, on with the day. Returning to Little Verse and gymnastics routine, only just though as Plum woke at a record breaking 9.30am giving us less than one hour to get to our destination including breakfast, changing and organising a picnic, and Bean said this morning that he didn't want to go to his gymnastics class. He obviously later changed his mind, I did not drag him kicking and screaming.

Talking of kicking and screaming we have had two days where I have very successfully managed to hold myself together. There has been some talk in the home ed blogging world as to whether we are not honest enough with our writing and whether we paint too rosy a picture of home ed home life. I hope I manage to give give a realistic portrayal, even though the original idea was to record all the things I don't want to forget, there are some things that I would love to forget but at the same time I think sharing and documenting the journey with others is helpful for me, for them, for you and hopefully when we come across similar situations with siblings as they grow and develop through the same process and phases I can look back on it via the blog and remind myself 'it'll all turn out ok.'

The afternoon largely passed at home with the boys watching iplayer whilst I settled Plum to sleep, who would not let me leave her side so I lay with her for an hour. After this we opened up a donated bag of goodies and the boys and I played with magnetic construction and dominoes before it was time for me to cook dinner. After dinner saw a flurry of activity. Music and singing, car racing and making a guitar from a cardboard box and some rubber bands.

The pictures are one of mummy by Pumpkin and an Olympian diver by Bean.

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