Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Thursday 24 January 2013

i have come to play

My world this day has lovely been -
But not like what the child has seen.

photo overload!

We've had an at home day today and gone with the flow! I had a few things tucked up my sleeve to add some sparkle at any given point but not needed, oh no! in fact, starting to hink there just aren't enough hours in the day. Pumpkin says, 'but iwanted to go to the park,' 'but you have to be dressed to go to the park and you are still in pyjamas! would you like to get dressed now?' 'no' (yes, we do have some rules in our house) This conversation was repeated at least four times today and we never did make it to the park. 

Pumpkin sorted all the dinosaurs this morning, matching those that were the same and discussing similarities. He wanted to find out the names of them so we googled it and he took pictures of the ones that we found. We then printed off the pictures he took and the internet pictures and cut them out with the intention of making a book. It is as yet to be completed but may never be, we'll see.

The day flowed seemlessly from one disconnected activity to the next. I spent 30 minutes reading poetry to Bean this morning which is a record even for him and poetry is new to the repertoire of reading aloud. The mini games set we bought yesterday came out repeatedly and new games where created and the dinosaur race game was played several times over. 

Bean helped me upack the shopping just before lunch and I suggested pesto and pasta so he set about looking for the pesto. At first he pulled out a jar of red thai curry paste...not so good on pasta and then I heard him 'P-E-S-T-O PESTO! I found it mummy' I am really enjoying watching the development of reading happening in its organic fashion. It pleases me so much that he's doing it because he wants to and there is absolutely no coercion or bribery at all and absolutely no unpleasantness associated with it as I have witnessed many a time in my teaching career. Bean also spent some time rooting through the cardboard box colletion to find bits and peices for the robot he has in mind to make. You might recall that he has already made two and the shape and design remain similar but each time a little something alters. You might also remember me writing about mastery before too. Repeating the same task, with the same resources, repeating the same process purely in order to master what you are doing. I'm pretty sure that's what he's doing with the robot making. except today he couldn't find the cardboard tubes he needs so he changes plans and started making a guitar instead.

The afternoon sofa shot, still in pyjamas! and munching on a monkey platter. Pumpkin and Bean ate all the bits and pieces and then Pumpkin ate the houmous by dipping his finger in the pot. I must remember next time to spoon it out into a separate dish!

The darkness came and Bean was asking me about compasses and so I showed him ours and got the globe out that we had been given at the weekend. It lights up, so this led into more light play with the torches and creating different coloured lights by shining them through some of Plum's toys.

Plum has been busy playing with her favourite toys: eating chalk, playing with socks, rolling balls and riding her scuttlebug. 

“Play is the highest form of research.”

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