Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Sunday 22 July 2012


Friday 20th July 

A trip to nana and granddad's today. We are planning on staying the night too which involves a lot of luggage, mostly because we have to take all our bedding. We all share one room and the boys sleep on the floor, it's a bit like a camping adventure! 

We've had a real science type day today. It's not often I look at our day and categorise it into school defined subjects as so much blurs from one category to the next. But today... Bean asked what oil was as I was cooking French toast (aka oeuf pain) and what would happen if we mixed it with water. Investigation number one. 

Lunch involved chicken on the bone and Bean wanted to find out what was in the middle of the bones so we kept them and cut them open later in the afternoon. Imvestigation number two.  

Nana's garden was well watered by the boys and nana showed them wear to put the water so that the roots of her new fig tree would be able to drink it up. Investigation number three.

Daddy also took the boys to the park whilst Plum and I had a sleep together (precious times) there has been some craftiness (of the sticking variety) playing with Russian dolls, computer games and videoing on mummy's phone. Bean also helped with a large portion of the packing and unpacking today completely voluntarily and although it makes the process a bit longer it is so lovely to have a willing and helpful helper. The boys especially enjoyed taking the bending and suitcase up in grandad's lift, going along for the ride too.

Plum enjoying a story with daddy

Puppets made without following the instructions

Watering the fig tree

Drinks in the garden

Nana's Russian dolls

Making books

Playing with our food!

Cuddles with nana

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