Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Monday 28 April 2014


I haven't blogged since January! In brief a spout of winter illness took over and occupied our household simultaneously disguising my pregnancy! We are now 18 weeks pregnant and feeling good (mostly) My blog spot (early evenings) tends to be a time of tiredness and the desire to lay down!

We have been busy though. Bean and Pumpkin can now play on the same minecraft world and have been working together on various projects mostly, but not exclusively, inspired by Stampycat. This interest has extended for Bean into an interest in stones and how and where they are mined. The atlas on our wall has been made good use of! He took a day trip to London to the geology museum and British History Museum to look at stones. He is starting his own collection of rocks and we have plans for our holiday to go and see some real redstone!

Pumpkin has become fascinated with the internal workings of the human body. His late night ponderings about what your internal organs look like have led us to a heart dissection and plans for lungs and some other interesting offers from the local butcher. We have books a plenty from the library and an injury last Thursday at our gumnastics class allowed us to visit the minor injuries unit where a very helpful nurse explained about muscles and how they work and what happens when they go wrong (i didn't plan that one!) We have a trip to the Huntarin museum planned for him too amongst other things.

And Plum has been drawing crazy! We set up a little drawing station for her that is just her height. She has pens and crayons and chalk and pencils at her disposal accompanied by colouring books and printed pages (Rosie charaters from cbeebies) and a chalk board and paper. Sometimes she uses it, sometimes she uses the table! She enjoys playing mummies and babies at the moment too and is busy matching up the soft toys into family groups and allocating them all a role. One of the positive things about doing this third time around is that as an interest takes her we generally have stuff to facilitate it already in the house, this includes her need to always wear something Bob the Builder' related. She walks around in her brothers t-shirts but we have also managed to put her in their digger and dumper truck tshirts that are the right size for her.

So much more than just these things have been going on. Life is a tapestry. I hope to post more regularly now and keep record of a few more of the delights of our growing family.

Pippin, 12 weeks

Bean took the photos, I dissected

Pig's heart

Plum in one of her Bob tshirts making plum cake

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