Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Brilliant bodies

Yesterday saw me and fellow home ed mum dissecting a set of lungs with our collective six smalls coming in and out at their lesuire to look at express their opinion, ranging from yuk to interesting. We had a great time and the books and the youtube videos were very useful. Pumpkin spent more time looking at the books after we had finished.

Today Pumpkin and Plum had their bodies drawn around. Pumpkin put the internal organs onto his body and Plum coloured hers in, she wants to paint it. Bean wants to have his body drawn around and put the bones on. Pumpkin has also had his nose stuck in those body books again. He is really taken with the one about babies especially the page that has pictures of how big the baby gets during pregnancy. He keeps telling Plum that she was once the size of a pea.

Pumpkin has also started a smell collection. It began in the park on monday with his crisp packet and has steadily increased since then. Today I washed and deodorized some jam jars so that we can put his collection in something.

Bean has been full of cold for two days. We had to cancel a trip to Petworth House today, which was a shame as the company and the weather were both perfect. He spent most of the morning in his room watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but emerged about lunch time. We filled the potato bags up with compost this afternoon. Bean and Plum insisted on doing all the work and mummy was not allowed to help but she had to stay in the garden and not do anything else. so i found myself sitting in the warm sunshine doing nothing at all! 

Plum has been a busy bee all day. She loves joining in when her brothers are playing games/drawing/ watching. Today she drew a rabbit onto the lining paper and was thrilled with it. She pulled at my arm to show me and danced around saying 'rabbid. rabbid' over and over again. She was so pleased with it. She took Pumpkin in the garden to pick flower(heads) this afternoon, which he loved as he enjoys flowers. He was telling her the names of the flowers and all about how bees drink nectar and make honey. 

Plum placing the internal organs!

Plum's rabbit 

Potatoes are growing!



Got caught reading :)

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