Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Sunday 19 January 2014

Hold my hand


Anna has been enjoying the (not so) wet garden. Wellies an absolute must but any form of rain coat or warm clothes are optional! She enjoys playing with the ball and her castle with the small world people.

Bean bought a card on Tuesday at the robot exhibition and decided that he wanted to send it to his friend who also likes robots. i know it's not much writing compared to those who daily write things in a school setting but the difference is that he choose to do this and did it happily and willingly, and what a lovely thought to send a card to his friend? 

We spent the afternoon watching despicable me and despicable me 2 with friends as they are having a themed birthday party next week. 


We woke up to a power cut after yet more rain and high winds during the night. It was also overcast so really dark and grim in our house. There wasn't much we could do in the way of chores in the house so went to our friends to play (who did have power.) One of the things i remember thinking about when we first started to find home ed friends was how we would accommodate younger syblings friendships as they grew older. Well, it all worked out in the end! We know several families who have three or more children in similar age brackets to ours, and of course, we don't measure friendship by age quite so much as a school setting would create, so the odd year between friends is nothing.  


A drive to Whitstable to celebrate family birthdays. CousinJ turned 21, and Pumpkin and FA#3 share a birthday on Monday, so a family meal out at a Moroccan restaurant was in order! And wonderful it was too and the perfect venue for our motley crew. Six children happily running around, lots of space and a quiet venue to create calm for nana, plus lovely food in a restaurant strew with lots of interesting artefacts that the staff are happy to tell you all about. 

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