Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Underground, overground

Tuesday 27th August 2013

Last night Bean was awake until later than usual. We found ourselves, mummy, daddy and Bean, playing statues. This is a bit like playing musical stautes but without the music or anymovement. As I stood stock still in the middle of our living room with daddy and Bean I couldn't help wondering quite how ridiculous we looked. Good job the curtains were closed! This game was followed by snakes and ladders, and then uno, which is becoming a family favourite. And all this at Bean's request. It was a lovely evening.

Today we had two friends around to play today. The morning was spent playing minecraft on the ipad and we finally worked out, between the four of us, how to kill zombies (important life skill that is, honestly!*) We also spent some time watching youtube videos of other peoples minecraft worlds which has inspired Bean. This then flowed into three hours of play in the garden, which was turned into 'minecraft world.' The children all built structures and armed them and furnished them using various bits and pieces that they could find, this part took about an hour. After much discussion, they decided that no-one would be zombies but there would be invisible ones instead. The game then proceeded to involve, arranging to visit each other's bases, collecting treasure and mining, sleeping, and fighting  zombies. And as I was surplus to requirements Plum and I sorted laundry and did a lot of cooking.

Lunch time brought about a discussion about the afternoon's plans. I had in mind to take them all out for a walk but they decided that they were happy playing. PLum asked for a sleep and, whilst I was feeding and settling her, the others all moved into the living room and played starwars lego together. Our living room is a lovely cool haven on hot days such as today and they stayed there playing the same game for three more hours.

And who says children can't concerntrate for more than five mins.

It was an odd day as I was really on the outskirsts of most of the games and having preprepared lots of food and spent all day yesterday cleaning, I found myself almost considering the possibility of reading a book. but then Plum woke up.

*I feel i ought to mention that the process of of persevering to find out how to deal with the zombies, especially as it has taken several months, plus the collaboration and trial and error approach, along with the sense of achievement and collective joy at finally working it out, are, in fact, all important life skills, even if actually killing a zombie isn't.

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