Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Row your boat

Day 5: Tuesday (I may be losing count of days!)

Weather report: hot

Feeling a little better on the cold front but mostly due to large intake of drugs! ( normally our lives would accommodate the slow relaxed see it through recovery plan but I'm after a quick fix atm)

Today's adventures took us on a visit to the college grounds where daddyR is studying (the reason they moved here) and as well as a look around the library and chapel and looking at the lizards, we took the canoes out on the lake. There was some drama from Pumpkin who didn't want to go out in the boats so after a little to-ing and fro-ing he decided to stay with daddyR and watch, except he promptly changed his mind once daddy, mummy, Bean and Plum launched off in the first canoe. He opted to go in the second canoe with our friends and their small#3 except we turned back because Plum was leaching around and as I was sat at the front of the canoe there wasn't much room for moving around. We did a swap and Pumpkin got in with daddy and Bean and mummy and Plum got out to watch them paddle happily off onto the long lake. When they returned both Plum and Bean were keen to know when we could come again as they had had such a good time.

After lunch and a rest (an hours sleep for me, thank you daddy) we took all the smalls to a play area which was a great idea. It was some what hot but we sat in the shade and the smalls enjoyed a couple of hours of climbing and running and ice pops including Plum who had a great time exploring.

We managed to avoid the 5 o'clock melt down by leaving ten minutes earlier and both boys ate a huge amount of dinner, Bean had three helpings. Baths, stories, bed, asleep after a little indecisive in and out of bed, all by eight o'clock. This left us with an evening with our friends :)

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