Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Sunday 26 May 2013

Robin Hood

I've got a rather exciting knitting project on the go atm. After our busy week of party preparations, I haven't done as much work on it as i would have liked and last night sat up later than i should have knitting. consequently feeling very tired today. Plum had a disturbed night. tossing and turning and crying and refusing milk and cuddles. it was very frustrating and saddening not to be able to help her. After two hours she finally settled about 4.30am and peace was restored. She woke about 7.30 and daddy very kindly got up with her.

It has been an odd day today. mostly because the boys and daddy went on their own separate adventure to Littlehampton to try an archery session. I love archery and would have loved to have joined them but we decided that with only two weekends free between now and mid August I should take advantage and go and run some errands in town. Mostly this meant go to the opticians and order a new pair of prescription glasses and a second pair of day to day glasses (it always makes me nervous that i only have one pair) It was good to go without the boys who can make the sales assistance understandably nervous with their handling and activeness and it is too long for them to sit even if i take distractions. I was rather pleased with my purchases and they should be ready just in time or our big trip over the pond.

Plum slept for nearly two hours and i took to doing some sorting and organising. Plum still woke unsettled and seemed to be missing her brothers and the general hub bub of our home. I played with her for an hour and then she had milk just as they arrived home. She was much improved with their arrival and was particularly pleased to see daddy.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with the boys playing remote control cars and Plum playing piano. We watched some of the videos that daddy took when we were at Legoland and ordering the caterpillars for the butterfly kit that Bean's friends bought for him. There seems to be a lot of wild crazy behaviours going on this evening.

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