Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Monday 11 March 2013

Better is one day in Your house

Sunday 10th March 2013

Church day. Saw mummy being woken with extra kisses and cuddles and a box of maltesers as it is also Mother's day. By mid afternoon the boys were requesting I share the chocolates which were as yet unopened and I had had the crazy idea that i would save them for after the smalls were all in bed and share them with daddy (what was i thinking?!) 

Church saw us all going our separate ways again as daddy took one class, Bean went to his own class and mummy took Pumpkin's class, Plum stayed downstairs with friends and slept through the message as continues to be her only regular sleeping habit (no comment!) It actually works well for us as we all have our own contribution to the after church conversation, mostly this benefits Pumpkin as he has his own thing to say rather than tagging on the end of Bean's thoughts.

The afternoon was spent with daddy and Pumpkin going for a swim, Plum sleeping a little, Bean and me working on Reading eggs together and then he opted to watch some iplayer and I decluttered the piano top and three shelves in the conservatory (slowly slowly) Plum has also been enjoying her scuttle bug and can now get on and off it herself. Bean often pushes her around and today Pumpkin pumped up the tires for her. 

The blog is one year old today, that deserves a glass of wine, I think. This time last year I was busy introducing you to each of the smalls and their personalities and interests. I thought an update might be in order:

The good Lord gave us Bean nearly six years ago. He takes after daddy in many ways especially in the way he absorbs information, he is like a sponge and remembers every detail. He has a very strong sense of right and wrong and playing by the rules and is every much the big brother, wanting to be in control but also caring very much for his siblings. He is incredibly articulate and very good at putting together an argument in favour of his case.

He is especially interested in outerspace, castles, the body, lego, nature and being outdoors and heenjoys reading, riding his bike, going to museums and beaches and the park. Bean loves the library. He loves for us to sit and read and piles books up for us to bring home. He loves a good story and will endure adventure and thrill and excitement in a book that he would never entertain on a screen.  He loves to build things and will use any materials going. Lego is probably his best medium but any recyclable materials are likely to be eyed up for some robot or castle construction.

The good Lord placed Pumpkin in our care 4 years ago. He placed him in our family to remind us always that life should always have a little fun in it. Pumpkin mostly lives in his own world and only visits the real world when he chooses, and we are not always aware when he is visiting! My family always used to say that i had selective hearing and now i understand what they meant for Pumpkin only hears when he is visiting the real world and we have yet to find the key into his world. but it must be a great place because he has a lot of fun whilst he's there! 

Pumpkin is kind and thoughtful and will do anything to make others happy, he is silly and daft and crazy. He chooses to go out when the rest of the world stays in and wear shorts and tshirt when everyone else is in thermals, he likes the world upside down and the grass between his toes, he will question the way things *should* be and try it out all other ways just to be sure which is best.

Pumpkin enjoys pirates and lego and superheros and space and anything physical and outdoors. He loves his siblings and is an affectionate boy. We have discovered his love of rollercoasters this year and belly laughing to You've Been Framed. He loves snuggling up to stories and playing music. He is also developing an interest in light and shadows. His love of food and eating continues and he joins in the baking quite frequently.

The good Lord timed the arrival of Plum one year ago (almost exactly three year after Pumpkin) She loves to say 'hello' and kisses a lot! She also enjoys drinking my tea and Pumpkin's orange juice! She enjoys having music on and moves along to it in her own way. She has her own rhythm to life which no one else can fathom but she knows when she wants to sleep and when she wants to eat and when she wants milk and can communicate these things with ease so it's straight forward enough to meet these basic needs but no two days patterns are the same!

She loves pushing the toy cars around and rolling balls, she picks up almost anything she can and pretends it's a phone, she loves her scuttle bug and has found a little selection of books that she returns to daily but mostly she loves one special kitchen cupboard which she empties daily to distribute around the ground floor of our house. 

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