Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Monday 2 December 2013

All in a days work

The dinosaurs made a final appearance stuck in ice over the weekend. The smalls all joined forces to rescue them mostly using hot water and work tools.

There has been Christmas card making, Bean got half way through his first card and then disappeared with my crafty box because it has lots of small compartments that would be good for sorting his lego into and then spent half an hour doing just that. 

There has been sword fighting between all four of us at once, which rather overwhelmed Pumpkin.

We had a playdate at our house today which involved cars and lego and watching Horrible Histories, lunch and a trip to the park around the corner. Bean and Pumpkin played a 'let's pretend it's Christmas' type of game where they both got dressing up outfits and were superheros (thankfully we have ordered these for Christmas!)

And this afternoon we have watched How To Train Your Dragon, i love that film. 

And in between all this we have discussed the difference between conjurers and magic; magnetism; how brothers and sisters become twins; seasonal changes and why fruit only grows in the warmer months; how many days until Christmas; the use of shading in art work; and I have cleared up two major spillages, one was my fault and the second was Plum, 21 months, helping herself to milk from the fridge- well, it has been a while since i cleaned out under the fridge!

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