Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Friday 1 November 2013

What have you done today...?

Our morning started an hour earlier than usual and it was great to have a slightly more relaxed start to the day. Pumpkin asked if i could play with him this morning which i thought an odd request as i play with the smalls all the time. He specifically asked if i would help with lego. Bean asked if we could do more fimo so we added more to our star wars models. I was vigilant as the morning progressed and came to realise that even when I was doing something with Pumpkin actually Bean was the one leading the show. I thought about this a lot as the day went on.

Pumpkin and Plum playing catch with a balloon.

Pumpkin's star wars ship

Pumpkin's bad piggy

Mummy's Chewbacca

We seemed to have filled our day before we even left the house today. The extra hour in the mornings means we have busied ourselves with more than just breakfast before we leave for our outing. Today's trip took us to Pulborough Park to play with fellow home ed families. Over the past year or so we have built some on-going friendships with several families and it was a good move as Bean is requesting daily now to see friends. It's definitely getting colder out though as there are more themos flasks around and less time spent in the parks. We managed a two and a half hour stint and the smalls all enjoyed themselves. Bean even went and conversed with one of the other mums independently which is a huge move for him. Another family brought minecraft cakes with them and Bean was fortunate enough to receive one, however Pumpkin did not so to help with the disappointment I suggested we made our own when we got home. And we did. Just us. Plum was sleeping and Bean was minecrafting pn the ipad. Just us. So it can be done.  

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