Thursday 16 March 2017

Joy in our heart

Things that make my heart happy:

Bean, 9, asking how to spell things and reading every sign and advert and leaflet we pass. And getting excited about things we have planned or are planning, setting up a game with his siblings and playing together for hours, wanting to tell me about the things he is watching and sharing things that he finds funny and making us laugh, plans to make a bigger origami display for the next showcase event.

Pumpkin, 8, swinging his arm as he runs, finding giant sticks that he has ideas to whittle so it looks like Gandalf's staff, helping his brother up out of the stream, being excited at the Butcher's and choosing something to eat, riding the roundabout with his siblings and letting Pippin push him on the swing.

Plum, 5, making friends with a dog and being so pleased with herself, playing IT with Bean and Pippin, forward rolls at hyperspeed across our bed, playing hide and seek toys with Pippin, waiting up for me before she goes to bed, holding hands as she falls asleep.

Pippin, 2, singing twinkle twinkle as we drive in the car, swinging and swinging and swinging at the park trying to make it go by herself, throwing a ball to the dog and eventually getting out of the buggy and loving the dog, reciting We're going on a Besr Hunt, running to the window to wave at our neighbour in the morning.

Our day was a mixture of Cartoon Network, minecraft, Terreria, a trip to the Butcher's, over an hour at the play park, walking Archie for two hours in the woods, playing The Battle of the Pirates role playing game, hide and seek toys, watching The Pink Panther cartoon, Gobblet, buying Harry Potter collectors stickers and chocolate ice cream.

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