Monday 13 June 2016

Over a Year

Bean, now 9, had his annual haircut today. I say annual because that is roughly how it has worked out for the past few years. He wanted it to look like the baddy in Indiana Jones 4, Googled it and found an image for me. Plum was my assistant and checked it was looking good as well as working the tablet for Bean as he sat and watched various cartoons whilst I snipped away. All of this was followed by a bath, thankfully more than an annual occurance and hair wash but not with shampoo as he doesn'the like it.

We have been to church today too. We were all up later than usual but this seemed to work well as breakfast was done in two sittings and everyone was dressed succinctly. The children did some stuff on praising God and the highlight was the BBQ,  another annual event, which Pumpkin, 7, made banoffie pie for (the same as he had done last year)

All of the children spent the time playing with friends. The church has enough families in it now that all ages and interests are met and, probably for the first time, I was not heavily pregnant or spending my whole time with babies or toddlers (although there was some of this) It felt liberating to sit and chat.

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