Monday 19 November 2012

At the end of the day

Saturday 17th November

We took advantage of grandma and pops being here today and whilst they played with the children we cleaned and organised the house a little. It was nice to get back to a little organised, although it took us all day and is still not complete! I feel we may chase our tail with this for many years to come. There is always some pile of stuff that needs washing, compiling, returning, putting away, cleaning, fixing, altering, filing, making, selling, moving on. In this house these things all come second to caring for and being with our children. Consequently we live in a hovel...well, it's not that bad but four of us are in the house day in and day out and it makes for a lot of tidying up which doesn't always get done. Fortunately daddy does more than his fair share so we just about manage to stay afloat and not disappear under piles of laundry and paintings left to dry or dirty dishes.

Bean and pumpkin have made birthday cards with grandma and Bean has fallen asleep on grandma's lap complaining of an ear ache.

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