Our Tribe

Our Tribe

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2014 in numbers

I haven't posted much this year (something which i hope to rectify next year)
Here is a review of 2014 in numbers:

94 field trips to membership destinations and clubs: 
Winter Wednesdays, Pulborough Brooks, Drusilla's Zoo, Legoland, Boys Brigade, Gymnastics, Fisher's Farm, Swimming, Leed's Castle, INTECH, French classes, Legomania, Cinema (Lego movie, How to train your dragon2, Paddington,) Nyman;s Gardens and Petworth House.

More than 30 visits and outings with family members.

27 trips to parks and nature reserves: 
Horsham Park, Pulborough Park, Rackham, Box Hill, Bax Castle (not that we once did the walk!) Hills Farm Lane playarea, Cissbury Ring, Southwater Country park, Warnham Nature Reserve.

22 playdates - meeting up with friends at our house or there's.

18 museum visits (a little surprised this wasn't more) 
This was made up of the Lightbox, Haslemere, Summers Place, Amberley Museum, Science museum, Natural History Museum and Horsham Museum.

17 beach days

2 foreign visitors to stay (Harien and the wonderful Cate)

1 family holiday to Dawlish Warren, Devon.

One off outings to Loxwood Joust, Baking show, Jaws and Claws, Brick 2014 and archery.

Plus a lot of homedays watching films, decorating the boys room (Star Wars,) reading books, playing games, baking, drawing, painting, making, and exploring our interests in Light, Lego, Bodies and Minecraft.

And the arrival of one beautiful baby.


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Turn off that TV!

This is a personal account of our journey into the realms of unrestricted access to all things screen based: tv, computer, smart phones, ipad, tablets. It has been 7 months since we made the move and decided that our children would not have a restriction put upon them that was imposed by mummy and daddy. I feel after seven months that we have something to write about that is positive and not just 'they use it all day everyday.'

Previous to the shift the boys were allowed to watch two hours each day, after lunch, when Plum was sleeping, and that's what they did. They sat and they watched. Sometimes we would have a movie night together and sometimes mummy and daddy were just tired so they could have it then too! And sometimes they wanted to know about something so we would look it up together. The point is that it was always determined by mummy and/or daddy when it was allowed. The growing difficulty that we had was that firstly, it didn't match with our approach on every other aspect of our lives (whereby the smalls have control over what they do/ eat/ sleep etc) secondly, it was getting difficult to negotiate when we could use the internet to research/ watch clips/ programmes that were relevant to our interests, thirdly, mummy and daddy use screen based technology all the time for a whole range of reasons all the time, and fourthly, daddy works in social media and it seemed at odds with the things he was engaging with during the working day.

So we wanted to allow our children to access things via screens when they wanted to for the things they wanted to. We deliberately chose not to tell them. They were in the habit of asking if they could use the computer/iPad/phone so we turned our 'no' into 'yes.' The other thing we (mummy and daddy) challenged ourselves to do was not to use phrases like 'you've been on that ipad all day!' Or 'when are you going to do something that doesn't involve staring at a screen' etc and to spend time with them doing whatever activity they were engaged with.

It was noticeable that the first few weeks/months they boys sat and watched and watched and watched. We watched catch-up TV and films and YouTube clips endlessly and we watched them from dawn until dusk. But one of the things that happened fairly early on was Bean, 6, asking if we could turn the TV off at bedtime as it was making him tired. Now we don't have specified bedtimes but give or take half an hour it's normally around 10pm for Bean so we took this time and agreed that we would let him know when it was 10 o'clock and then he decides what to do. Without fail he turned it off and mostly went to bed, occasionally he might do something else for a while first. Now, he will take himself to bed before 10pm even if someone else is continuing to watch or play computer games. 

I would say that we spent five months with every minute that we were at home with the boys playing games or watching something. We still went out and saw friends, visited places etc but always initiated by mummy. The observable difference in this time was what they used it for. They started to play Minecraft together and ask to find out more about different things and Skype friends. They became more discerning in what they used it for, it wasn't just 'I must watch something because this is the only time i have to do it in.'  

Then one day Bean asked as we were eating breakfast, 'can we go to the park and feed the ducks?' He asked to do something that wasn't related to a computer/device. When we first lifted the restriction I was internally crying out for the day when they would chose something that didn't involve a technological device and a little bit of me skipped for joy but I have also been on my own personal journey: The learning didn't stop just because they were using a different medium to access the things that they love. And the activities they use the devices for are multiple and varied (as it is with adults) socially connecting with friends and family (Skype) is not the same as gaming or watching films or creating pictures or shopping and the things that interest them in each of these activities is as varied as all the other things we do and so is the learning that accompanies it.

The second noticeable thing that changed was the things they did whilst they were watching. In the beginning they would purely sit and watch, now there is colouring and Lego and board games at the same time. And sometimes one of them chooses to watch and the other will be somewhere else doing something else.

Thirdly, the things that they do on their tablets/computer have become a spring board for other activities. Bean has grown an interest in rocks and is starting a collection and been to museums to see different minerals and rocks and looked up where different stones are found. Pumpkin takes recipes from tv programmes and we make them together at home, or recreates a peice of artwork from cbeebies Mr Maker, or dresses up to look like a pirate and Plum collects certain items to watch certain programmes, she loves to wear her knight hat and sword watching Mike the Knight, use sign language when watching Mr Tumble, and have Woody and Buzz by her side when we watch Toy Story, mostly she sits and draws whilst the tv is on. None of these things happened seven months ago.

Fourthly, when we go to places where others are watching/gaming, if it is something that doesn't interest them, then they find something that does interest them instead of seizing the opportunity to do something that is restricted at home.

And at some point in the midst of the boys testing out the 'do mummy and daddy mean we can anytime we want to?' We found them both curled up in bed together, about half an hour after they had gone to bed, watching something! "We're only watching this one thing mum" "OK" and they finished it and went to sleep. It's not happened again.

And now, amongst requests to go to the beach/ park/ friends house/ museum, our house is full of activity. Activities like Minecraft and film watching, gaming and Skype, looking up how much the most expensive diamond is and watching YouTube clips of Stampy, activities like baking and drawing and Lego and filming, photo taking and seed planting, water fights and obstacle courses.

Do they spend more than two hours a day using devices? Yes. Some days they watch all day, other days they take in turns, some days they're busy with other things. Does it bother me? No. Are we happy? Yes.

And all the time the learning goes on.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Happy 7th Birthday Bean

Today was all about Bean aka Isaac. Even Pumpkin vowed to not upset him on his birthday and he was super kind to his brother all day. Bean was super kind back and it made a lovely vibe.

Bean was born in the early hours of the morning seven years ago (read his birth story here) and we have been in love with him ever since. He loves lego and minecraft and friends and family, he also likes daddy reading him stories and play fighting with his siblings. He is interested in castles and old houses and likes gymnastics and riding his bike and going to the park.

He has a very keen sense of right and wrong and enjoys the expertise of others, i think he likes the idea that there is a right way to do something e.g. a gymnastics move, and this person can tell/show you how to do it the correct way. He likes things to be in order and tidy and have a definite place for everything (toys in his bed all have their designated spot.) He has an amazing memory and his auditory skills have always been pretty amazing for a young one. His favourite music cd's to listen to are Colin Buckanan.

His choice of party celebration this year was to invite friends and family for a traditional birthday party. Actually, he asked for afternoon tea and balloons. No requested theme as in previous years. He invited 8 families to his party, including grandma and pops, fa#1 and fa#3 (fa#2 had to work-boo,) this equated to 17 children and 14 adults ages ranging from 0-12 years amongst the children plus two bumps.

Bean's plans included:

Ham sandwiches in squares with no crusts.
Marshmallow chocolate cake.
Sausage rolls
Party rings

And for the games: 

Pass the parcel
Pin the tail on the donkey
Mask making
cake decorating

We expanded on the balloon idea and used these as our primary decoration, supplied a broader range of food items and put out some toys to cater for the wide age range. The sun came out long enough for the garden to be used and a large selection of the children went out to play football for almost the whole time.

And then our friends and family arrived. One brought music and helped do crafty things, one brought her face paints, and my family turned out to be kitchen fairies and general helper/tidier uppers in disguise. 

Bean's presents included a lot of lego, beginning with Pumpkin's choice of gift: a teenage mutant hero turtle set (which Bean loved) so we topped and tailed our day with some lego model building and there's still plenty more to do. The family bought him his own tablet inc cover from Plum and minecraft already downloaded!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Picking up the daisies

Lots of party preparations have been going on this week. Bean turns 7 tomorrow.

We've had some good fun drawing around our bodies and allocating internal bits and pieces. Bean wanted his to be filled with bones, Plum got busy painting hers (and herself) and the boys have decided that they need one of mummy so that we can put baby in my tummy. No dissections this week.

A family trip to Worthing beach. Pumpkin's choice of destination. He loves the beach, collecting shells and sticks and stones and seaweed, and jumping in the sea. It is my plan to make it to the seafront at least once a week for the foreseeable future. 

A visit to friend's to see the rock collection they have borrowed from a museum. 

Big trip out to Legoland on Wednesday was once again successful. Somehow we managed to juggle the needs of all three smalls. Plum being too small to ride on most things and both boys being too small to ride solo on anything. So glad we go when there are no queues and we can just jump on and off as we please. We watched the Pirate Show this year, which was new for us, in fact, Bean, Plum and I watched it twice whilst Pumpkin and daddy went zooming around on the larger rides (viking boats 3 times, dragons apprentice 3 times, large rollercoaster 6 times...and all in an hour) Pumpkin had been very certain to make sure that daddy had remembered his dragon proof coat. Despite loving the large rollercoaster, he's not too keen on the journey through the dragons lair at the beginning of the ride.

The trip to legoland continues our lego interest. Along with regular visits to Brighton Lego shop, saving our money for various sets, receiving the lego magazine, Lego movie veiwing, tickets booked to the lego show in November, this is our third annual home ed visit to legoland.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Brilliant bodies

Yesterday saw me and fellow home ed mum dissecting a set of lungs with our collective six smalls coming in and out at their lesuire to look at express their opinion, ranging from yuk to interesting. We had a great time and the books and the youtube videos were very useful. Pumpkin spent more time looking at the books after we had finished.

Today Pumpkin and Plum had their bodies drawn around. Pumpkin put the internal organs onto his body and Plum coloured hers in, she wants to paint it. Bean wants to have his body drawn around and put the bones on. Pumpkin has also had his nose stuck in those body books again. He is really taken with the one about babies especially the page that has pictures of how big the baby gets during pregnancy. He keeps telling Plum that she was once the size of a pea.

Pumpkin has also started a smell collection. It began in the park on monday with his crisp packet and has steadily increased since then. Today I washed and deodorized some jam jars so that we can put his collection in something.

Bean has been full of cold for two days. We had to cancel a trip to Petworth House today, which was a shame as the company and the weather were both perfect. He spent most of the morning in his room watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but emerged about lunch time. We filled the potato bags up with compost this afternoon. Bean and Plum insisted on doing all the work and mummy was not allowed to help but she had to stay in the garden and not do anything else. so i found myself sitting in the warm sunshine doing nothing at all! 

Plum has been a busy bee all day. She loves joining in when her brothers are playing games/drawing/ watching. Today she drew a rabbit onto the lining paper and was thrilled with it. She pulled at my arm to show me and danced around saying 'rabbid. rabbid' over and over again. She was so pleased with it. She took Pumpkin in the garden to pick flower(heads) this afternoon, which he loved as he enjoys flowers. He was telling her the names of the flowers and all about how bees drink nectar and make honey. 

Plum placing the internal organs!

Plum's rabbit 

Potatoes are growing!



Got caught reading :)

Monday, 28 April 2014


I haven't blogged since January! In brief a spout of winter illness took over and occupied our household simultaneously disguising my pregnancy! We are now 18 weeks pregnant and feeling good (mostly) My blog spot (early evenings) tends to be a time of tiredness and the desire to lay down!

We have been busy though. Bean and Pumpkin can now play on the same minecraft world and have been working together on various projects mostly, but not exclusively, inspired by Stampycat. This interest has extended for Bean into an interest in stones and how and where they are mined. The atlas on our wall has been made good use of! He took a day trip to London to the geology museum and British History Museum to look at stones. He is starting his own collection of rocks and we have plans for our holiday to go and see some real redstone!

Pumpkin has become fascinated with the internal workings of the human body. His late night ponderings about what your internal organs look like have led us to a heart dissection and plans for lungs and some other interesting offers from the local butcher. We have books a plenty from the library and an injury last Thursday at our gumnastics class allowed us to visit the minor injuries unit where a very helpful nurse explained about muscles and how they work and what happens when they go wrong (i didn't plan that one!) We have a trip to the Huntarin museum planned for him too amongst other things.

And Plum has been drawing crazy! We set up a little drawing station for her that is just her height. She has pens and crayons and chalk and pencils at her disposal accompanied by colouring books and printed pages (Rosie charaters from cbeebies) and a chalk board and paper. Sometimes she uses it, sometimes she uses the table! She enjoys playing mummies and babies at the moment too and is busy matching up the soft toys into family groups and allocating them all a role. One of the positive things about doing this third time around is that as an interest takes her we generally have stuff to facilitate it already in the house, this includes her need to always wear something Bob the Builder' related. She walks around in her brothers t-shirts but we have also managed to put her in their digger and dumper truck tshirts that are the right size for her.

So much more than just these things have been going on. Life is a tapestry. I hope to post more regularly now and keep record of a few more of the delights of our growing family.

Pippin, 12 weeks

Bean took the photos, I dissected

Pig's heart

Plum in one of her Bob tshirts making plum cake

Monday, 27 January 2014

Time is ticking away

Some days are just...bleurgh. Today was one of them and with another three days at home planned due to window fittings and it being the end of the money/month. I feel i might have to suggest a walk to the park or the library but neither of these options have seemed popular recently.

We had a fun party packed weekend (which on hind site may have contributed to today's unpleasantness.) Saturday was a trip to town with daddy in which mummy had to go and rescue them as Pumpkin refused to journey home on foot. The afternoon was filled with wardrobe assembly and on to the Church New Years party. A great evening packed with fun and games and friends and food and for the first time I was able to sit back and enjoy. 

Sunday's party came in the theme of Minions as our friend turned six. There were minion glasses and cake and pinata and pinion. 

Today's at home day could have been more successful. Pumpkin was the first up at 9am, i was in bed with Plum when he came up a few minutes later to tell me about how Isaac had done something with the carpet. I wasn't quite awake but scrambled together something in my mind that translated that Bean had probably been on Pumpkin's minecraft and messed the carpet. A few minutes after that Pumpkin came back and said 'i'm all sticky from the sick.' Oh! Then i woke up properly. Realising that the original message had been that there was sick on the carpet! (Good morning, mummy) 

The boys don't venture more than two foot from the ipad and I'm missing them. This resulted in an epic mummy meltdown. Nothing I seem to offer or strew or do seems to interest them anymore and it's making me sad. On reflection i'm glad we have two birthdays in January to keep things ticking along. 

We did find two birthday presents for Pumpkin today, hidden in the cupboard. We assembled another lego creation, this time castle themed. Another lego hit. And I took the Lego Movie book out with us in the car today when we went to collect our friend from work. I deliberately arrived early so that we could read some and it was a very successful move. 

Plum had Madagscar on endless loop today. She doesn't sit and watch it like you would imagine someone to. She potters in and out and colours and plays dolls and helps with laundry and cooking. She plays with the bicarb i gave her in a bowl and we look at books together, but if we turn off Madagascar then there are tears.